Verbena Quartz Bordeaux - 44550
Intense, vivid rich-red Quartz Bordeaux is a real show stopper in the garden and in pot displays. Slightly spreading, mounding plants make brilliant beds and trail over the edges of mixed containers. Verbena enjoy hot dry conditions, watering underneath the foliage assists in keeping mildew and other diseases at bay.

Vigna Snail Creeper - 45200
Highly perfumed creamy-white flowers spread readily across pergolas or frames. Related to the scarlet runner bean. The flowers resemble curly snail shells hence the common name "Snail Vine". Sometimes called Phaseolus caracalla.

Viola Frizzle Sizzle Mini Mixed - 45565
Unique frilly flower form for viola. Great in containers, baskets or in a landscape setting. Frizzle Sizzle is at it's best in early spring or autumn as stronger ruffling occurs in the cool conditions. Best used in the cooler months, will grow in later spring and summer, but the ruffling will be very minimal and the flower size may reduce.

Viola Sorbet Delft Blue F1 Hybrid - 46050
The sorbet series is a stand out performer when stacked against any viola. We think violas are a grossly under estimated plant. They are really easy to grow from seed. Within 6 weeks of sowing they are flowering their hearts out. They perform magnificently through autumn and spring and even thrive throughout the coldest, darkest seasons. In addition they have weather (rain and wind) resistance that is just so far superior to pansies.

Viola Sorbet Duet Mix F1 Hybrid - 46030
The sorbet series is a stand out performer when stacked against any viola. We think violas are a grossly under estimated plant. They are really easy to grow from seed. Within 6 weeks of sowing they are flowering their hearts out. They perform magnificently through autumn and spring and even thrive throughout the coldest, darkest seasons. In addition they have weather (rain and wind) resistance that is just so far superior to pansies.

Viola Sorbet Marina - 46035
A long time favourite of the Sorbet Series. Prolific cute button-faced flowers on a low growing plant. Stands out amazingly in large displays and is perfect for long flowering baskets in the cooler months.

Viola Sorbet Mix F1 Hybrid - 46010
Over 17 colours in this mix of bright, cute violas. The sorbet series is a stand out performer when stacked against any viola. We think violas are a grossly under estimated plant. They are really easy to grow from seed. Within 6 weeks of sowing they are flowering their hearts out. They perform magnificently through autumn and spring and even thrive throughout the coldest, darkest seasons. In addition they have weather (rain and wind) resistance that is just so far superior to pansies.

Viola Sorbet Tiger Eyes Yellow F1 Hybrid - 45525
Unusual but interesting pattern of many black stripes upon yellow petals. Early flowering, nice tidy plant habit. Something different for your winter baskets.

Viola White with Purple Wing F1 Hybrid - 45510
Elegant, bright white viola with a rich yellow eye, flanked by purple wings. A really unusual colour break and sure to be a winner! Perfect for baskets.

Viscaria Angel Rose - 46800
Charming for beds, border and wild gardens. Very easy to grow. Intense, brilliant-rose flowers produced in profusion all summer long.

Wallflower Bounty Primrose - 46915
An exceptionally early flowering and fragrant winter Cheiranthus. Bounty makes the ideal companion for Pansy and Viola plantings. A very pretty wallflower in this delightful lemon yellow colour.

Watercress - 66000
Watercress grows in streams ditches springs and fast-flowing waters. It has been used as a salad plant since at least Roman times and the first records of it being grown commercially date back to 1750 in Germany. Besides being used in salads it can be put in sandwiches used in soups and oriental stir-fry dishes. It has a fresh, clean peppery taste.

Watermelon Sugar Belle - 58950
One of our most popular watermelons is back! For abundant, early maturing sweet watermelons choose Sugar Belle. Round, dark-skinned fruit that has bright red flesh... mouth wateringly delicious.  Sugar Belle's breeding allows for an improved disease resistance and vigorous growth. Suitable for warm climate areas only.

White Kaka Beak - 48445
Lush, green, wide-spreading shrub that produces stunning large white flowers which hang in clusters of 15-20 blooms in spring. Flowers are shaped like a parrots beak, hence the name. Caution: snails can strip masses of leaves overnight!

WigWam Plastic Cane Connector - 9215
No need to get tangled in knots tying your teepee together! This pea and bean ring secures all your bamboo together to make an effective frame for all your climbing plants. Suitable for peas, beans, sweet peas and any other climbers. Insert your bamboo into the ground and simply clip the bean ring into place. Bamboo stakes that have a “thick and thin” end are most suitable. The smaller end of the bamboo will fit into the clip more readily and avoid putting stress on it to breaking point. This item can be re-used from season to season.

Wildflower Bee Attracting Mix [25 Grams] - 46960
Beautiful, practical and beneficial. This mix will provide a nice wildflower display for you to admire along with pollen and nectar for our honey bees. For this mix we take 50% of the standard wildflower seed, then add Borage, Phacelia, Echium, Californian Poppy, Cynoglossum, Clover, Alyssum and Nigella.

Wildflower Bee Attracting Mix [Standard Packet] - 46965
Beautiful, practical and beneficial. This mix will provide a nice wildflower display for you to admire along with pollen and nectar for our honey bees. For this mix we take 50% of the standard wildflower seed, then add Borage, Phacelia, Echium, Californian Poppy, Cynoglossum, Clover, Alyssum and Nigella.

Wildflower Butterfly Mix - 46970
We often get asked what specific varieties people should plant to attract the butterflies, so we have made up a wildflower mix with additional butterfly attracting seeds. Beautiful, beneficial and practical. This wildflower mix will provide a nice wildflower display and provide nectar for the butterflies and bees.

Wildflower Half Tall Mix - 46975
Plant heights between 40-50cm. All our wildflower blends are custom made from separate varieties. As a by product of supplying many commercial vineyards with blends, we have made this not so tall an option available to you. Still a wide range of colours and species that will flower all spring and summer. Provides a lot of nectar and pollen sources for the beneficial insects.

Wildflower Half Tall Mix (25 grams) - 46980
Plant heights between 40-50cm. All our wildflower blends are custom made from separate varieties. As a by product of supplying many commercial vineyards with blends, we have made this not so tall an option available to you. Still a wide range of colours and species that will flower all spring and summer. Provides a lot of nectar and pollen sources for the beneficial insects.

Zinnia Fairyland Mix F1 Hybrid - 47610
Large fully double blooms on healthy deep green foliage. Bright colours. Zinnia are easy to grow, but to get the best from them grow in warm, sheltered conditions only. Do not sow early as zinnia like warmth and clear skies. Always water around the plants (keeping foliage and flowers dry). For the windier or wetter climates you should use Profusion or Zahara zinnia.

Zinnia Preciosa Mix - 47470
Even this lovely photo doesn't do the pristine colours justice! Colours are bright and vivid and will shine gloriously in containers and around the garden. Don't miss out on this precious little beauty you won't be disappointed.

Zinnia Profusion Cherry Bicolour - 47475
Eye-catching Profusion Cherry Bicolour is the latest addition to the award-winning Zinnia Profusion Series. This delightful colour reminds us of summer, fun and laughter, brighten up your containers and garden with this summer delight. Profusion Zinnia are easy-care plants with extreme heat and drought tolerance.