Amaranthus Red Callaloo - 50002
Upright plant with reddy/green leaves. Best harvested when the plant is mature (approx 22cm tall), then prepare as you would spinach.Prefers warm growing conditions.

Artichoke Imperial Star F1 Hybrid - 50000
This extra-vigorous variety yields abundant harvests of tender, sweet, meaty artichokes.What's more, Imperial Star produces fruit in its first year from seed sown in August or September - a real benefit for gardeners in colder climates

Asparagus Pacific Challenger NZ F1 Hybrid - 50060
We are proud to introduce another NZ breeding success. Pacific Challenger is the world's first Phytophthora tolerant asparagus variety.A lot of investigation and research has been done behind the scenes, hence its name "Challenger." This reflects the challenging nature of the research required to develop a Phytophthora tolerant variety. Pacific Challenger NZ F1 Hybrid is a mid season variety

Asparagus Pea (Winged Pea) - 50025
An annual leguminous herb, native to the countries around the Mediterranean. A low spreading plant with deep crimson flowers that form small pods.Being easy to grow, its' pods can be described as having a nutty, Asparagus flavour, these are best picked when only 2.5cm long.

Bean Asparagus Bean : Kaohsiung (Green Pod) - 50250
Very productive, climbing long podded type. The green beans grow as long as 40cm. Best grown up a trellis or with other support.Also referred to as Snake Bean or Yardlong Bean. Delicious!

Bean Borlotti Red Rooster - 50230
Certainly not your standard bean. Small red-speckled pink beans that are great in soups and stews.Try substituting Borlotti into your Black Bean recipes! Fantastic variety for dried beans.

Bean Dwarf Admires - 50240
Combines the excellent strong flavour of Scarlet Runner Beans with the early maturity and prolific growth of modern stringless French Beans.Long flat pods and white seeded

Beans Broad Lucifer (Pink Seeded) - 50160
The first Pink Seeded Broad Bean we have offered. Selected and developed in New Zealand by the same breeder as Hughey. Plants are full sized with white flowers. With this new and interesting coloured seed, maybe you can now convince those unwilling characters to at least give Broad Beans a try!

Beans Climbing Butter Goldfield - 50720
Climbing beans produce more beans per plant than dwarf varieties. These prolific plants produce flattish pods of light yellow butter beans. Keep well picked to prolong productivity.Water well in dry periods. Best grown up a trellis or some kind offence/support.

Beans Climbing Cobra - 50781
Exceptional flavour and a long growing season.This variety produces loads of smooth, round, stringless green pods. Its delicate mauve flowers also make it a delightful addition to any garden.

Beans Climbing Mixed - 50220
Brighten up the platter with purple, green and yellow beans. Prolific yields.Best grown up a trellis or some kind of fence or support.

Beans Dwarf French Contender - 50600
Both reliable and heavy yielding best describe Contender Beans. Dark green, crisp, tasty pods are produced in abundance.Our best variety for really warm locations.

Beans Dwarf French Greencrop - 50500
Another well known tried and true variety. Very adaptable to a wide range of growing situations.Pods are deep green and great for freezing.

Beans Dwarf Green Gold Mix - 50210
Vegetables don't have to be green! This mixed packet is great for the smaller garden where 2 packets is too many!Easy to grow. Both green and gold beans mature at similar times.

Beans Scarlet Runner Goliath - 50800
This popular, standard, home garden variety produces bucket loads of long, flat, medium green pods.

Beans Scarlet Runner Tenderline - 50900
This variety has been bred with "slower vigour" which significantly reduces the stringy, tough fibre development.Although the yield is less than other common varieties the superior bean quality more than compensates for it.

Beetroot Action F1 Hybrid - 51400
Strong topped variety, making for an easy harvest.Early maturing, deep blood red, tender roots.

Beetroot Bonny Baby - 51100
As smooth and round as beet come. Tender dark red/purple interiors. "Mini Vegetable"

Beetroot Bulls Blood - 51120
Distinctive rings on this round beet add a lovely visual element to salads.The deep red leaves are fantastic in mesclun mixes and micro salads.

Beetroot Chioggia - 51130
Also known as the candy cane beet.Originating from the Italian coastal town near Venice, Italy - Chioggia has been around since the early 19th century. The flesh is a hot pink colour with white stripes. Prepare as you would any other beetroot.

Beetroot Cylindra - 51200
Cylindrical shaped red beet. Excellent slicing variety.Do not plant close together as this creates misshapen roots.

Beetroot Golden Touchstone - 51050
A yellow/orange globe beetroot. Globe has a sweet flavour and without the dominating red colour like usual beetroot it works well as an addition to casseroles.Although the flavour is the same as the red beets the mind works in mysterious ways... sometimes you can be tricked into thinking it tastes different! In these cases we recommend you eat it with your eyes closed!!!

Beetroot Rainbow Blend - 51150
Something a little novel, different and nutritious.Expect, Golden, White, Chiogga and Red beet in this blend. Prepare as you would any other beetroot.

Beetroot Red Torpedo F1 Hybrid - 51250
Early, smooth and tender. This F1 hybrid is cylindrical in shape making it an excellent slicing variety.Dark red internal colour with a great taste

Borecole Black Cavolo Nero - 51950
This Black Cabbage forms no head but grows up in the form of a palm tree with long, strap like, dark green, well blistered leaves. The leaves form in a rosette, on top of the stem. Winter hardy. Flavour is said to improve after frost.

Borecole Curly Kale Red - 51905
A red-purple leaved version of the green Curly Kale similar Blue Ridge. The colour can add variety into dishes and makes an interesting garnish option.

Broccoflower Alverda F1 Hybrid - 52250
Small cauli-shaped heads that are lime-green in colour! A delicious blend of broccoli and cauli that has a vibrant colour when cooked.Excellent in gourmet cuisine. Delicious and nutritious.

Broccoli De Cicco - 52100
An open pollinate variety that produces small semi-domed, mid-green heads. A standard home garden variety

Broccoli Green Magic F1 Hybrid - 52015
Broccoli Green Magic replaces Arcadia. It has tasty, nutritious densely-packed heads.Medium height with blue-green head colour, bead size is medium to small.

Broccoli Marathon F1 Hybrid - 52000
Plants are vigourous and sturdy with well-shaped deep dome heads of compact, small beads deep green in colour.Best sow times are spring and again in autumn for winter harvesting.

Broccoli Mighty Mini F1 Hybrid - 52150
A very quick maturing F1 hybrid mini broccoli with a good dome shaped, dark green head. Close plantings will help to keep the head size smaller.Suitable for summer and autumn harvests. Mighty Mini is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Mini Vegetable.

Broccoli Sprouting Purple Summer - 52040
Prolific yields of small, purple broccoli heads on tender stems. Purple Summer is great for planting in Spring to early Summer for cropping in Summer and Autumn, then switch to Rudolf for Autumn to Winter Cropping.

Broccoli Sprouting Rudolph - 52055
Prolific yields of small, purple broccoli heads on tender stems. Unfortunately the beautiful purple colour is lost when cooked, but the heads remain delicious and nutritious. Rudolph does best in the cooler months of Autumn, Winter and Spring. The great thing about cooler season planting is the lack of caterpillars and other plant eating insects (which are probably also nutritious, but not so palatable!

Broccoli Sticcoli F1 Hybrid - 52155
A Japanese form of Broccoli looking very similar to Broccolini®. Plants produce small broccoli-like heads on tender stems.Continual harvest over an extended period. Best grown in the cooler months of Spring and Autumn. Great nutritious option to include in your meals; steam, stir-fry or eat raw with a lovely dip.

Brussels Sprouts Falstaff Red - 52310
Easily the most beautiful brussels sprout - this deep purplish-red delicacy is also one of the most flavourful. Falstaffs' mild, nutty flavour appeals more to children than standard brussels sprouts. The colouring on the leaves intensifies if exposed to light frosts.

Brussels Sprouts Igor F1 Hybrid - 52320
A good robust Hybrid that will tolerate a wide range of climatic conditions including frost. Igor's dark green sprouts are easy to pick. Height 80cm

Cabbage - Chinese China Coast F1 Hybrid - 53115
The call for smaller vegetables tempted us to bring this one in. Nappa Blues is a big Chinese Cabbage; China Coast has a similar barrel shaped head and F1 Hybrid characteristics but it's half the size. The smaller size will suit a lot of people.

Cabbage - Chinese Nappa Blues F1 Hybrid - 53125
Napa Blues Hybrid is an annual, cool season vegetable. It grows best when the days are short and mild. One of the favourite leafy-cabbage vegetables in mainland China. Napa's sweet, crunchy, leaves are one of the most sought-after ingredients in the far East-Asian cuisine. Undoubtedly, Chinese cabbages are increasingly being used in the Western, Mediterranean as well as American cuisine for their wholesome nutrition profile. This F1 Hybrid variety has good resistance to virus, Downy mildew, and Bacterial soft rot.

Cabbage Desert Vantage F1 Hybrid - 52720
A uniform large (20cm diameter) heading variety with a small core and outstanding density. Medium green (almost pea green ) in colour. Early to mature. Our best variety for coleslaw due to it's lovely sweet flavour.