Microgreens Beetroot Bulls Blood - 58630
Beetroot Bulls Blood is one of the most attractive microgreens you can grow with its vibrant colours. Its earthy flavour and crunchy, juicy texture make it a popular choice among foodies and chefs for salads, sandwiches and soups.

Microgreens Broccoli de Cicco - 58640
Broccoli microgreens are said to be more nutrient rich than a mature broccoli head. They are the quickest microgreen to harvest, being ready in just 7-10 days. Broccoli microgreens should be harvested just as the true leaves start to appear after the cotyledon, leaving longer than this will affect the taste.

Microgreens Cabbage Red Acre - 58650
The flavour of cabbage microgreens is distinctive to each particular variety, but generally a little bit milder than the fully grown product. Stunning red colour, great for burgers, salads and sandwiches. According to recent studies, microgreen leaves contain 40 times the nutrient level of their mature counterparts! Red cabbage in particular is known to help the body get rid of bad cholesterol.

Microgreens Coriander - 58660
A very handy way to have coriander on hand for when you need it, especially since garden grown coriander can bolt to seed readily. Coriander takes 14-21 days to be ready if you want to harvest it once it has its true leaves.

Microgreens Cress Common - 58670
Cress is a popular choice for microgreens due to the fact it is one of the most nutrient rich greens. Containing high amounts of vitamin A, C and K and is super easy to grow. It has a peppery taste, so try little and often to find the right kick for you.

Microgreens Kale Red Russian - 58680
Kale has been known as a super food for years and with its charming pink stems is another great nutrient rich microgreen. Some people prefer to harvest their kale at the two leaf stage, so we suggest you try a few leaves until you find the right taste for you. Kale is extremely popular in smoothies; the same can be true of the microgreens, these too can add that extra nutritious infusion.

Microgreens Mizuna Red & Green Mix - 58700
Mizuna has a mild and tangy, bitter-sweet flavour with subtle notes of pepper and mustard. It is best harvested once the attractive, frilly true leaves have emerged and matured slightly.

Microgreens Pea Fiji - 58710
Pea microgreens taste much like full grown peas and are known for being sweet. Harvest the pea shoots when they are about 5-8cm tall and have developed tendrils.

Microgreens Radish Red Arrow - 58720
Radish is one of the fastest and easiest microgreens to grow; you could be harvesting in as little as 10 days! Radish Red Arrow microgreens have a milder taste than mature radish, they have dark green leaves with attractive pink to red stems. Usually tasting their best when picked at the cotyledon stage.

Microgreens Rocket - 58730
If its a nice peppery taste you are keen on, then give Rocket a try. As a microgreen, Rocket tastes the same as the fully mature plant.

Microgreens Wheatgrass - 58690
An easy-to-grow nutritious microgreen. Spread seed liberally over your tray and cover lightly with soil. It can enhance germination if you pop the seeds you are about to sow in the fridge for two weeks beforehand. NZ grown seed.