Basil Aristotle - 64310
Perfect for the new-age patio garden, container or window box. Aristotle is renowned for tightly packed, tiny pale green leaves. Extremely easy to pick with that classic basil taste and aroma.Unhampered Aristotle will grow to 30cm tall, but harvesting is recommended at about 15cm for that best, full basil flavour.

Basil Emerald Towers - 64311
Emerald Towers claim to fame is that it flowers up to 10-12 weeks later than standard basil, this means of course that one plant will keep on producing leaves for an amazing length of time.Traditional Genovese flavour on an eye-catching, dark-green glossy tower. Excellent branching genetics are not only beautiful, but also show off the huge harvest potential. Grows well in pots, can be grown in the ground. Those of you who love basil must give this one a try, looked after well this plant can supply your basil needs for the season!

Basil Lime Mrs Burns - 64314
Great to infuse dishes with both a lime and basil flavour at the same time!Lime basil makes a refreshing pesto and is excellent for herbal vinegars, salad dressings, salads, fish and many other dishes. The Lime scented green leaves can be used to make a delicious herbal tea.

Basil Mix - 64316
Basil is a perfect addition to your vegetable garden, but can be quite happy in containers on a sunny patio or perched indoors on a windowsill.Most basil grow 45 to 60cm tall and form a bushy appearance as the leaves are pinched for use. Pinch flowers when they begin to form to keep plants compact and to concentrate the flavour in the leaves. Lucky dip - our suppliers selection!

Basil Purple Ruffles - 64318
This ornamental & edible variety has fragrant, ruffled deep-purple leaves. Approximately 5% of the plants have green leaves.

Basil Red Rubin - 64320
The number one red basil as used for professional production. Red Rubin is almost totally purple-bronze and has a very intense, spicy flavour.

Basil San Remo - 64330
Genovese type basil - very aromatic and bursting with full flavour.San Remo produces leaves prolifically through the summer and right into the cooler days of early autumn. Excellent resistance to botrytis and fusarium.

Basil Sweet Genovese - 64340
Perfect Pesto! Of all the basils to grow (and there are about 150 varieties!), Sweet Genovese is one of the best - rumour has it, that this is because it yields 7 to 8 cuttings and makes the yummiest pesto. Pinch the white flowers to maintain plant growth and great taste.

Basil Thai Siam Queen - 64355
Siam Queen adds an entirely new and delicious level of seasoning to any dish. Sturdy stems support extra-large, bright-green leaves. Clusters of small, intensely coloured deep purple flowers appear on the very top of the plant giving a highly ornamental effect. Your dilemma will be whether to grow it for cuisine or for beauty! Unlike the sweet basils we are familiar with in Italian cuisine and pesto, this Thai basil has a strong anise flavour and a good spicy tang, while still presenting the familiar basil taste beneath these elements.

Basil Thai Towers - 64360
This aromatic and vibrant liquorice flavour complements any dish, notably Thai cuisine. Well-branched Thai Basil variety with short internodes makes a beautiful, tidy, towering plant, growing between 60-90cm!Masses of medium-green leaves with occasional purple flecks and soft purple stems. Basil Emerald Towers certainly lived up to its expectations, we are confident Thai Towers will do the same - both being large robust plants with continual production.

Borage - 64410
Also known as the "Herb of Gladness". Borage is widely used for fish and cheese dishes. Young leaves make excellent additions to salads. Borage tea can be made from the fresh Azure Blue flowers - boil the flowers in water for 10 minutes. However, Borage flowers lose their flavour if dried or frozen. Great for attracting bees to the garden if you have plants that require pollination.

Cape Gooseberry - 53500
With its loose bushy plant habit, this gooseberry bush grows to approximately 1 metre. It yields small marble-like golden berries in netted cases.Fruit is sweet and juicy, with the heaviest crops arriving in the 1st and 2nd years.

Chamomile (German) - 64508
German chamomile is a sweet variety that has been used for centuries in teas as a mild, relaxing sleep aid.Research has identified chamomiles specific anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, muscle relaxant, antispasmodic, anti-allergenic and sedative properties, validating its long-held reputation.It is an annual plant, flowers have a yellow centre and white outer petals.

Chervil - 64510
Finely cut Chervil leaves add a sensational subtle seasoning in fish, vegetable and cheese dishes. Very good for soups and herb butter. Add Chervil to dishes at the last moment of preparation to maximize anise taste - cooking / boiling the leaves will result in a very bland flavour.

Chives Common - 64600
Mild onion flavoured leaves. Cut regularly to ensure a supply of new young leaves. Lightly spread the seed directly in the area required. Plants will then grow together forming a tight "clump".

Chives Garlic - 64700
A strong scent of garlic can be found in these popular herbs that are used for flavouring.Lightly spread the seed directly in the area required - plants will then grow together forming a tight "clump".

Coriander - 64800
Coriander has become increasingly popular in the past couple of years. A fine and feathery herb of graceful pink flower umbels which in turn produce the valuable seed clusters.Harvest of individual leaves can begin as soon as the first mature leaves have developed. Very versatile, being used in cakes and breads through to curries and other meats.

Corn-Salad - 64850
Historically classed as a weed known as Lamb's Lettuce - this could be because it generally appeared about the lambing season, or because it is a favourite food of lambs!The young leaves in spring and autumn are particularly tasty - a great addition to your salad mixes or eaten on its own.

Dill Bouquet - 64858
Finely cut lacy foliage makes a nice garnish. Bouquet is an early flowering selection with large seed umbels and foliage.Dill seeds are great for pickles.

Fennel Common - 64875
Usually grown as an annual. Native to Southern Europe, common Fennel has sweetly aromatic foliage and a flavour similar to anise. Foliage is feathery in appearance. Has small, bright-yellow flowers that are very attractive to many beneficial insects including bees, lacewings and butterflies.

Fennel Zefa Fino (Florence Fennel) - 64880
Florence Fennel, also known as finocchio, is an annual which is known mainly for the stem that swells to a "bulb" as it grows.It can be used raw or cooked. It is very popular in Italian cooking. Florence Fennel is also easy to grow, and a lovely addition to the herb or vegetable garden with it's wispy foliage. The bulb can take months to grow to it's full size, but you can use it at any point.

Goji Berry - 53505
Goji Berries grow on a deciduous shrub found in temperate and subtropical regions in China. They are typically used in dried berry form. Goji Berries are unique among fruits because they contain all essential amino acids and have the highest concentration of protein of any fruit. They are also high in Vitamin C, Fiber, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Selenium and have many other trace minerals. A near Superfood! Great for smoothies or just as a snack.

Herb Lemongrass - 64950
An aromatic herb that grows to 3 feet tall. While it gives off a robust, lemon fragrance, its also well known for its anti-oxidants and anti-fungal properties.An essential ingredient in Thai dishes.

Herb Mint Common / Spearmint - 65060
The good old fashioned mint can really only be grown from cuttings or division. If you cannot secure a plant of this vegetatively propagated variety, then this variety (Mint Common Spearmint), grown from seed, is your next best option. Mint likes a moist and cool root system. Very easy to grow.

Kiwano African Horned - 57150
This fruit is oblong in shape, and is approx 3 to 5 inches long. Light-green until maturity and turning bright orange. Grow as you would a cucumber. Exotic looking with distinctive long spines on the exterior. Banana-esque flavour with a slight sour twist but very pleasant.Squeeze for a great tasting juice, add pulp to fruit salad, use as topping on pavalova or simply eat as a fruit. Not dissimilar to passionfruit pulp but seeds are similar to cucumber and pulp is lime green. Looks great in the fruit bowl.

Lemon Balm - 64940
A lemon scented herb that comes from the same family as mint. It's used widely in herbal medicine and to flavour tea and food.

Mint Peppermint - 65062
Peppermint came to the fore with the colonists, who used it medicinally. They drank mint tea for headaches, heartburn, indigestion, gas, and to help them sleep. They also drank mint tea for pure pleasure. A nice alternative to Mint Spearmint.

Oregano - 65100
Mainly used dry, Oregano has a spicy flavour, strong to stand up to bold Italian dishes tomato sauces pizzas and fish dishes. Bushy small leaved plants featuring lilac-purple flowers.

Oregano Greek - 65110
Looks much the same as regular oregano, however the flavour is more intense. A hardy perennial that has aromatic green leaves. Oregano produces mauve flowers in the summer that are particularly attractive to bees and other pollinators. A very popular culinary herb that you can add to many dishes. Plant in a well-drained sunny site. Can be grown in pots or containers. Pick fresh leaves when needed or you can freeze or dry them for all-year-round use.

Parsley Green Envy - 65200
A shorter more compact plant than "Plain Parsley". With its tightly curled leaves and strong stems this parsley is rich deep green in colour and is a fabulous herb.Far superior to Triple curled or Moss curled.

Parsley Plain - 65300
The bright green leaves are deeply segmented and flat. Stronger flavour than curled parsley. Water well in hot weather.Very easy to grow.

Passionfruit - 60000
Once established this climber will supply good crops of round, plump, purple fruit.Dark green foliage - good strong grower.

Pepino Dulce - 60700
Pepino's are ideal in a container on the deck where it will flower and fruit heavily. Deemed to be parthenocarpic (does not require pollination to produce fruit) however, a much heavier crop results from self or cross pollination (i.e. grow several plants and attract the bees).

Rocket - 65400
The lovely perfume of rockets flower only is given off in the evening.Leaves picked before it blooms are nutritious salad greens. Sometimes spelt Roquette.

Rocket Voyager 'Wild Rocket' - 65390
The lovely perfume of Rocket's flower is only given off in the evening. The leaves of Wild Rocket are used for the same purpose as Salad Rocket. It has a much stronger taste than its close relative, Eruca sativa 'Salad Rocket' and can be easily distinguished by its more deeply divided leaf shape. Wild rocket is a hardy perennial, but is often grown as an annual. It has green, deeply divided aromatic leaves that form a rosette as the plant matures.

Rosemary - 65410
Rosemary is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant evergreen needle-like leaves. While commonly used to flavour meats poultry and potatoes Rosemary is also great in homemade potpourris. Rosemary is extremely high in iron, calcium, and vitamin B6.

Sage - 65500
Ornamental, hardy branching perennial that is strongly aromatic.The young stems are covered with a white down, but become woody as they age. Thick, velvety leaves. Many culinary uses.

Tamarillo (Tree Tomato) Ruby Red - 64250
Hidden under a tough skin is a very flavoursome golden-pink flesh. Once considered "the lost food of the Incas". Tamarillo were commercialised in New Zealand and we are now seen as the world leader supplying tamarillo all over the world. Requires a frost free location along with shelter from wind. Easy to germinate.

Tarragon - 65550
One of the four "Fines Herbs" of French cooking, the mild taste of Tarragon is particularly suitable for chicken, lasagne, fish and egg dishes. Tarragon actually prefers poor soils and happily tolerates drought and neglect. Can also be used as an insect repellant!

Thyme Common - 65570
Once just a French cooking essential but Thyme is now a must for a wide variety of dishes - casseroles vegetables soups stuffings and sauces. The Thyme plant is an extremely aromatic, woody perennial shrub. Stems are lined with tiny grey-ish leaves and topped with equally tiny pale white/pink flowers. Avoid watering the leaves and try surrounding the plant with bark or stones to help keep the leaves off the ground as Thyme dislikes wet foliage.

Thyme French Summer - 65580
Pinkish-white flowers with grey narrow leaves. Said to have more depth of flavour than common thyme. Requires protection from frosts.

Tomatillo Verde - 64255
Tomatillos are the key ingredient in fresh and cooked Mexican and Central-American green sauces. Fruit should be firm and bright green, as the green colour and tart flavour are the main culinary contributions of the fruit.

Watercress - 66000
Watercress grows in streams ditches springs and fast-flowing waters. It has been used as a salad plant since at least Roman times and the first records of it being grown commercially date back to 1750 in Germany.Besides being used in salads it can be put in sandwiches used in soups and oriental stir-fry dishes. It has a fresh, clean peppery taste.