CF Achillea Cassis Shades - CF0008
Cherry-red umbel flowers that fade slightly with age, producing a pleasing pink/red contrast. Being great as a filler flower. A second flowering after deadheading is possible if growing conditions are ideal.

CF Achillea Colorado Mix - CF0010
A diverse mixture from red to pink, apricot, yellow, light yellow, beige and the occasional white coloured flowers.

CF Achillea Summer Berries F2 - CF0016
A beautiful mix of Achillea colours in shades of white, cream, peach and pinks

CF Ageratum High Tide White - CF0030
Strong and vigorous branching.

CF Ageratum Powder Puff Mix - CF0033
A beautiful colour-way of blues, mauves, red/pinks and white. Frost tender but easy to grow from seed. The plants smother themselves in hundreds of cushion like flowers all season long. An ideal flower to use for cutting with plants being 60cm in height.

CF Agrostemma Light Rose - CF0038
Pretty, delicate, blush-pink flowers, great for filling blank spaces in bouquets without being too bold.

CF Agrostemma Ocean Pearls White - CF0040
Attractive white flowers. Commonly known as name Corncockle.

CF Alchemilla Thriller - CF0050
Summer cut flower novelty, attractive fresh or dried. Greeny-yellow flowers in multiple clusters on grey-green foliage.

CF Amaranthus Autumns Touch - CF0057
A highly productive bi-coloured green and brown amaranth. Great as a filler in bouquets and installations. Start seedlings under cover for transplant after last frost or direct sow where to grow. Sometimes known as Amaranthus Pistachio

CF Amaranthus Green Tails - CF0070
Unusual lime-green cascading tassels (flower heads). Superb filler.

CF Amaranthus Hot Biscuits - CF0080
Warm orange-brown upright spikes. Very easy to grow.

CF Amaranthus Mira - CF0085
Beautiful bicolour red green tassels cascade from the plant. Can be used in bouquets or installations for added drama. Frost tender. Start seedlings under cover for transplant after last frost or direct sow where to grow.

CF Amaranthus QIS Red Tower - CF0090
Cut and dry flower with deep red spikes, scarlet foliage. Very uniform strain.

CF Amaranthus Red - CF0088
Deep red pendulous tassels that can be used fresh or in dried arrangements. Retains its colour well.

CF Ammi Green Mist - CF0100
Flower umbels bearing small, greenish-white flowers resembling lace work. Excellent filler.

CF Ammobium Grandiflorum - CF0110
Bushy plants for dry flower production. Flowers can be dyed.

CF Anemone Mistral Bordeaux - CF0112
The plants of the Mistral line are the result of a selection featuring special colours. On average flowering takes place early on, with high productivity and a cycle varying from 3 months, starting with 3 to 5 flowers, reaching its maximum of 15 flowers in 8 to 12 months. It is suggested that the flowers should be cut early in the morning, checking the stem and the corolla of the petals of each flower are well formed.

CF Anemone Mistral Magenta - CF0111
The plants of the Mistral line are the result of a selection featuring special colours. On average flowering takes place early on, with high productivity and a cycle varying from 3 months, starting with 3 to 5 flowers, reaching its maximum of 15 flowers in 8 to 12 months. It is suggested that the flowers should be cut early in the morning, checking the stem and the corolla of the petals of each flower are well formed.

CF Anemone Mistral Plus Azzurro - CF0115
The Mistral Plus series features a large flower that is light and elegant on a long stem. The petals of which feature particular chromatic colours. The corolla is large when opened to its utmost, although its beauty can be appreciated even when still half open, before it ripens completely. It adapts very well to greenhouse growing. It is suggested that the flowers should be cut early in the morning, checking the stem and the corolla of the petals of each flower are well formed.

CF Anemone Mistral Plus Grape - CF0116
The Mistral Plus series features a large flower that is light and elegant on a long stem. The petals of which feature particular chromatic colours. The corolla is large when opened to its utmost, although its beauty can be appreciated even when still half open, before it ripens completely. It adapts very well to greenhouse growing. It is suggested that the flowers should be cut early in the morning, checking the stem and the corolla of the petals of each flower are well formed.

CF Anemone Mistral Plus Panda - CF01161
The Mistral Plus series features a large flower that is light and elegant on a long stem. The petals of which feature particular chromatic colours. The corolla is large when opened to its utmost, although its beauty can be appreciated even when still half open, before it ripens completely. It adapts very well to greenhouse growing. It is suggested that the flowers should be cut early in the morning, checking the stem and the corolla of the petals of each flower are well formed.

CF Anemone Mistral plus Rarity - CF0117
The Mistral Plus series features a large flower that is light and elegant on a long stem. The petals of which feature particular chromatic colours. The corolla is large when opened to its utmost, although its beauty can be appreciated even when still half open, before it ripens completely. It adapts very well to greenhouse growing. It is suggested that the flowers should be cut early in the morning, checking the stem and the corolla of the petals of each flower are well formed.

CF Anemone Mistral Tigre - CF0113
The plants of the Mistral line are the result of a selection featuring special colours. On average flowering takes place early on, with high productivity and a cycle varying from 3 months, starting with 3 to 5 flowers, reaching its maximum of 15 flowers in 8 to 12 months. It is suggested that the flowers should be cut early in the morning, checking the stem and the corolla of the petals of each flower are well formed.

CF Anemone Mistral Tigre Wine - CF0114
The plants of the Mistral line are the result of a selection featuring special colours. On average flowering takes place early on, with high productivity and a cycle varying from 3 months, starting with 3 to 5 flowers, reaching its maximum of 15 flowers in 8 to 12 months. It is suggested that the flowers should be cut early in the morning, checking the stem and the corolla of the petals of each flower are well formed.

CF Anethum Veirling Yellow - CF0108
Vierling has blue-green foliage with bright yellow umbel flowers and has taller sturdier stems than your common Dill.

CF Angelica gigas - CF0119
A very tall grown biennial or short lived perennial. A great architectural plant in the garden with stately burgundy stems and flowers that are great for cut flowers with a 2 week vase life. Flowers second year from seed.

CF Anitrrhinum Costa Summer White III - CF0190
Plant towards the end of winter into summer. The abundant flowering and top quality flower stems already start at the end of spring and last until the beginning of autumn.

CF Anitrrhinum Maryland Ivory White I-II - CF0310
Known for exceptionally sturdy stems. Suitable for more temperate seasons, with cool to moderate temperatures and medium to low light intensity. Plant end of summer and through the winter period until early spring.

CF Antirrhinum Costa Apricot I-II - CF0120
Known for exceptionally sturdy stems. Suitable for more temperate seasons, with cool to moderate temperatures and medium to low light intensity. Plant end of summer and through the winter period until early spring. Beautifully coloured snapdragon variety, with the upper lip of the snapdragon going more towards pink and the lower lip more towards orange.

CF Antirrhinum Costa Summer Lavender III - CF0170
Plant towards the end of winter into summer. The abundant flowering and top quality flower stems already start at the end of spring and last until the beginning of autumn. Very attractive pink to lavender pink.

CF Antirrhinum Costa Summer Orange III - CF0180
Plant towards the end of winter into summer. The abundant flowering and top quality flower stems already start at the end of spring and last until the beginning of autumn.

CF Antirrhinum Costa White II - CF0160
Known for exceptionally sturdy stems. Suitable for more temperate seasons, with cool to moderate temperatures and medium to low light intensity. Plant end of summer and through the winter period until early spring.

CF Antirrhinum Double Flowered White I - CF0200
Crisp bright White. Just beautiful !!!

CF Antirrhinum Double Flowered Yellow I - CF0210
Strong clear yellow. Just beautiful !!!

CF Antirrhinum Legend Light Pink - CF0215
Early flowering and in a soft blush pink colour. The legend series is typically a Group 1 Antirrhinum meaning it grows better when the days are shorter and the light is weaker. They develop and start flowering quickly, early in the season.

CF Antirrhinum Madam Butterfly Bronze - CF0220
Beautiful Antirrhinum double blooms on branching plants. Image supplied by Nourish Gardens

CF Antirrhinum Madam Butterfly Bronze White - CF0230
Beautiful azalea double blooms on branching plants. Sorry, no individual image available

CF Antirrhinum Madam Butterfly Cherry Bronze - CF0240
Beautiful azalea double blooms on branching plants. Sorry, no individual image available.

CF Antirrhinum Madam Butterfly Ivory - CF0250
Beautiful azalea double blooms on branching plants. Image supplied by Nourish Gardens

CF Antirrhinum Madam Butterfly Pink - CF0260
Beautiful azalea double blooms on branching plants. Image supplied by Nourish Gardens

CF Antirrhinum Madam Butterfly Red - CF0270
Beautiful azalea double blooms on branching plants. Image supplied by Nourish Gardens