(x10) Planter Bags - PB 28 - 9170
By adding "1" to your cart means you will receive x10 planter bags. A good cheap option. The smaller bags are ideal for starting off bedding plants and growing them to a larger grade. They are also ideal for starting those early crops of frost tender vegetable plants. Just as soon as all danger of frost is past they can be safely planted outdoors. The larger bags (PB 28 and PB 40) are often used for starting early tomatoes. Bag Size: 200mmx200mmx420mm. Minimum order quantity is 10 Bags.

(x10) Plastic Teku Pots 9cm X 9cm X 10cm Square - 9080
Strong, durable, flexible, light weight black plastic with excellent drainage holes.Add "1 unit" to your cart to receive 10 pots.Pot Size: 90mmx90mmx100m. Maximum order quantity is 500 Pots.

(x100) Planter Bags - PB 1-1/2 - 9130
By adding "1" to your cart means you will receive x100 planter bags.A good cheap option. The smaller bags are ideal for starting off bedding plants and growing them to a larger grade. They are also ideal for starting those early crops of frost tender vegetable plants. Just as soon as all danger of frost is past they can be safely planted outdoors.The larger bags (PB 28 and PB 40) are often used for starting early tomatoes.Bag Size: 90mmx90mmx150mm. Minimum order quantity is 100 Bags.

(x100) Planter Bags - PB 3 - 9140
By adding "1" to your cart means you will receive x100 planter bags. A good cheap option. The smaller bags are ideal for starting off bedding plants and growing them to a larger grade. They are also ideal for starting those early crops of frost tender vegetable plants. Just as soon as all danger of frost is past they can be safely planted outdoors. The larger bags (PB 28 and PB 40) are often used for starting early tomatoes. Bag Size: 100mmx100mmx200mm. Minimum order quantity is 100 Bags.

(x100) Planter Bags - PB 3/4 - 9120
By adding "1" to your cart means you will receive x100 planter bags.A good cheap option. The smaller bags are ideal for starting off bedding plants and growing them to a larger grade. They are also ideal for starting those early crops of frost tender vegetable plants. Just as soon as all danger of frost is past they can be safely planted outdoors.The larger bags (PB 28 and PB 40) are often used for starting early tomatoes.Bag Size: 64mmx64mmx150mm. Minimum order quantity is 100 Bags.

(x2) Bottletop Waterer - 9885
These dinky little fellows are such a great idea! Simply screw onto a used drink bottle and you have an instant handy little watering bottle. The perfect size for controlling the water on your punnets or seed trays indoors. Sold in pairs (x2 for $4.00)

10 Cell Punnets - x5 punnets - 9037
Adding "1" to cart = 5 punnets.Another great item for the enterprising gardener. These 10-Cell Punnets are ideal for despatching plants to your friends and neighbours and at the local "Trash and; Treasure" market!These packs can be used as a "good sized" alternative to the 6-cell punnets, allowing your plants more room to grow larger prior to planting out.Cell size: 55mmx55mmPunnet size: 350mmx145mmx60mm.

60 Cell Propagation Tray - 9035
For the serious sower! Are you sick of having to move lots of little punnets around? Then it's time you stepped up to using 60-cell Propagation Trays. Compact little roots are formed, making transplanting simple with nearly no stress at all to the plants. However we do recommend "planting out" before the roots become overgrown and start growing "in circles" within the cell! Made of lightweight PVC making it easy to "pop" the plants out when ready. Cell size: 50mmx50mm Tray size: 525x310x50mm.

Easy-Grip Carry Bags (45 Litre) - 9190
Strong 45 litre carry bags suitable for planting out large plants (ideal for tomatoes). Great for growing those larger plants and trees that you know you will want to take to another place later on. Ensure regular watering during summer months as you would for patio planters. These durable carry bags have the handles sown in and are made of tough polypropylene. Bags can be emptied at the end of the growing season and reused again and again.

Egmont Seeds Mail Order Catalogue 23rd Edition - CATSE
23rd Edition Catalogue Free of Charge ($7.00 postage & handling applies.) If you are purchasing other products there is only one $7.00 postage and handling fee. Please Note: If you have shopped with us in the last 12 months, you will automatically receive a copy of the catalogue in the post soon - they were despatched on the 24th of July! Only one catalogue per customer is free of charge : should you require more than one, the cost per catalogue is $9.50 plus postage.

Felco 5 Secateurs - 9750
For the larger hand. High quality secateurs used by professional horticulturists worldwide. Made from top quality steel and ergonomically designed for user comfort. A basic model within the Felco range for garden maintenance. FELCO 5 combines exceptional ergonomics with a comfort that enables the highest cut quality every time. Felco is made from high quality steel, when looked after, oiled regularly and if good care is taken, these secateurs can last a lifetime. Although not supplied by us, the blades can also be replaced.

Flexi-6 Connectors (Pkt of 10) - 9210
An innovative solution to creating different size frames for plant protection. Takes up to a 13mm in diameter cane.

Jolly Garden Tie - 9880
Soft and durable all purpose garden tie. Great for your tomatoes, grapes and anything else that's needs a little support.

K1 Multi-Purpose Snips - 9760
Handy snips for fruit harvesting, thinning and propagation. Pointed blades. We have included these in our selection as they are mid-range snips that are useful for all manner of things. They can also do light wood such as lemons and mandarins etc.

Large Green Propagator Base - 9328
This base is the same size as the bottom half of the Vented Large Propagator. It can be used in conjunction with the Large Propagator Height Extender Set and Vented Large Propagator. Or it can be used as a replacement tray for the Vented Large Propagator. Propagator size: 580mmx380mmx100mm. We recommend you wash and disinfect the containers at the end of each season, then store in your shed, garage or wherever is convenient out of direct sunlight. Please Note: This is only the Base, if you want a Base and Lid then order the Large Vented Propagator

Lattice Seedling Tray [350mm x 295mm x 65mm] - 9390
Small seeding tray - this versatile tray is suitable for open "scatter sowing" of seeds, or transporting punnets from place to place Suitable for large trays of microgreens. Tray is propped up against a wall in the photo. Punnets below are what can be slotted into the tray. Tray size: 350mmx295mmx65mm.

Marker Pen Fine Nib - 9070
Sharpie Non Fading Marker Pen. Although it must be said even though the manufacturers clam they are non fading, care must be taken when marking labels for an extended period of time. Still these sharpie pens are better than most Excellent for writing on your plant labels.

Microgreen Starter Pack - 9905
A great gift for anyone, or simply treat yourself! This Kit includes: * 10x Open Punnets [9020] * 1x pair Mini Snips [9230] * 1 pkt Broccoli Microgreens [58640] * 1 pkt Mizuna Microgreens [58700] * 1 pkt Radish Microgreens [58700]

Mini Snips (Deadheads / Herbies) - 9230
Fantastic Mini Snips that suit both right or left-handed people. Easy to use snips with no cumbersome handles, allowing you to move deftly around the plant and remove spent flowers or seed pods. These dinky little snips have been endorsed by The Royal Herb Society in the UK.

Potting Scoop - 9214
Bright blue potting scoop so its easy to spot! These little beauties are a perfect size for scooping your seed raising or potting mix into punnets or containers. Length from the end of the handle to the scoop edge is 250mm

Propagator Extender Clips (Pkt of 4) - 9335
Supplied as a packet of 4 clips. These clips have been designed to secure your height extender to the lid or to secure two (or more) Height Extenders to each others.

Propagator Tray - Small - 9326
A handy tray for either five Mini High-Top or three Vented Small Propagators to sit on at one time. Useful for watering your seedlings from the bottom, which is great to protect them from leaf damage and disease. Propagator size: 545mmx215mmx45mm. We recommend you wash and disinfect the containers at the end of each season, then store in your shed, garage or wherever is convenient out of direct sunlight.

Replacement Capillary Mat - 9329
Capillary mats are supplied with the Early Grow, 3-Bay Electric Propagator 9315. If they get damaged or lost these replacements should do the trick. Can also be used in conjunction with the Small Propagator Tray. Helpful Hint: Any material that absorbs water well will have the same effect - eg: an old towel. Mat size: 500mmx245mmx8mm.

Seed Sower - 8000
Easy to use Seed Sower with five different size settings. A handy device ideal for sowing small amounts of seeds with accuracy. Allows greater control for sowing seeds; dial up the size setting you require and simply shake the seeds out. Simple yet successful!