Artichoke Imperial Star F1 Hybrid - 50000
This extra-vigorous variety yields abundant harvests of tender, sweet, meaty artichokes.What's more, Imperial Star produces fruit in its first year from seed sown in August or September - a real benefit for gardeners in colder climates

Asclepias Silky Mix - 12810
Vary your Monarch Butterfly caterpillars diet!This one has been out of stock with our suppliers for a couple of seasons. Definitely a nice addition to the garden to attract the Monarch Butterflies; more colourful and ornamental than the standard Swan Plant, but just as tasty to the butterflies!Ensure children wash hands after touching this plant as the milky liquid inside the stems can be toxic if rubbed into eyes.

Asclepias Swan Plant - 12800
Favourite for kids (Big and Small!) Otherwise known as The Monarch Butterfly Plant, this unique plant will bring hours of joy, as both young and old marvel at nature! Ensure children wash hands after touching this plant as the milky liquid inside the stems can be toxic if rubbed into eyes. Maximum order quantity is 5 packets

Asparagus Pacific Challenger NZ F1 Hybrid - 50060
We are proud to introduce another NZ breeding success. Pacific Challenger is the world's first Phytophthora tolerant asparagus variety.A lot of investigation and research has been done behind the scenes, hence its name "Challenger." This reflects the challenging nature of the research required to develop a Phytophthora tolerant variety. Pacific Challenger NZ F1 Hybrid is a mid season variety

Asparagus Pea (Winged Pea) - 50025
An annual leguminous herb, native to the countries around the Mediterranean. A low spreading plant with deep crimson flowers that form small pods.Being easy to grow, its' pods can be described as having a nutty, Asparagus flavour, these are best picked when only 2.5cm long.

Aster Dwarf Thousand Wonders Mix - 13030
Frothy, pom-pom like, fully double flowers in a mix of pinks, purples and white. The vibrant flowers are ideal in pots or as a dense carpet in flower beds.

Bacopa Pinktopia - 13155
Latest colour addition to the Bacopa range. Colour-rich bright pink flowers will be a fantastic addition to your baskets and planters. A fabulous robust performer. Also makes great borders and edges.

Bacopa Snowtopia - 13160
Excellent selection for baskets and large planters. Masses of eye catching white flowers. A great plant that can make a spectacular ball of white flowers, or that can be used amongst other bright coloured plants in a basket or planter.

Basil Aristotle - 64310
Perfect for the new-age patio garden, container or window box. Aristotle is renowned for tightly packed, tiny pale green leaves. Extremely easy to pick with that classic basil taste and aroma.Unhampered Aristotle will grow to 30cm tall, but harvesting is recommended at about 15cm for that best, full basil flavour.

Basil Emerald Towers - 64311
Emerald Towers claim to fame is that it flowers up to 10-12 weeks later than standard basil, this means of course that one plant will keep on producing leaves for an amazing length of time.Traditional Genovese flavour on an eye-catching, dark-green glossy tower. Excellent branching genetics are not only beautiful, but also show off the huge harvest potential. Grows well in pots, can be grown in the ground. Those of you who love basil must give this one a try, looked after well this plant can supply your basil needs for the season!

Basil Lime Mrs Burns - 64314
Great to infuse dishes with both a lime and basil flavour at the same time!Lime basil makes a refreshing pesto and is excellent for herbal vinegars, salad dressings, salads, fish and many other dishes. The Lime scented green leaves can be used to make a delicious herbal tea.

Basil Mix - 64316
Basil is a perfect addition to your vegetable garden, but can be quite happy in containers on a sunny patio or perched indoors on a windowsill.Most basil grow 45 to 60cm tall and form a bushy appearance as the leaves are pinched for use. Pinch flowers when they begin to form to keep plants compact and to concentrate the flavour in the leaves. Lucky dip - our suppliers selection!

Basil Purple Ruffles - 64318
This ornamental & edible variety has fragrant, ruffled deep-purple leaves. Approximately 5% of the plants have green leaves.

Basil Red Rubin - 64320
The number one red basil as used for professional production. Red Rubin is almost totally purple-bronze and has a very intense, spicy flavour.

Basil San Remo - 64330
Genovese type basil - very aromatic and bursting with full flavour.San Remo produces leaves prolifically through the summer and right into the cooler days of early autumn. Excellent resistance to botrytis and fusarium.

Basil Sweet Genovese - 64340
Perfect Pesto! Of all the basils to grow (and there are about 150 varieties!), Sweet Genovese is one of the best - rumour has it, that this is because it yields 7 to 8 cuttings and makes the yummiest pesto. Pinch the white flowers to maintain plant growth and great taste.

Basil Thai Siam Queen - 64355
Siam Queen adds an entirely new and delicious level of seasoning to any dish. Sturdy stems support extra-large, bright-green leaves. Clusters of small, intensely coloured deep purple flowers appear on the very top of the plant giving a highly ornamental effect. Your dilemma will be whether to grow it for cuisine or for beauty! Unlike the sweet basils we are familiar with in Italian cuisine and pesto, this Thai basil has a strong anise flavour and a good spicy tang, while still presenting the familiar basil taste beneath these elements.

Basil Thai Towers - 64360
This aromatic and vibrant liquorice flavour complements any dish, notably Thai cuisine. Well-branched Thai Basil variety with short internodes makes a beautiful, tidy, towering plant, growing between 60-90cm!Masses of medium-green leaves with occasional purple flecks and soft purple stems. Basil Emerald Towers certainly lived up to its expectations, we are confident Thai Towers will do the same - both being large robust plants with continual production.

Bean Asparagus Bean : Kaohsiung (Green Pod) - 50250
Very productive, climbing long podded type. The green beans grow as long as 40cm. Best grown up a trellis or with other support.Also referred to as Snake Bean or Yardlong Bean. Delicious!

Bean Borlotti Red Rooster - 50230
Certainly not your standard bean. Small red-speckled pink beans that are great in soups and stews.Try substituting Borlotti into your Black Bean recipes! Fantastic variety for dried beans.

Bean Dwarf Admires - 50240
Combines the excellent strong flavour of Scarlet Runner Beans with the early maturity and prolific growth of modern stringless French Beans.Long flat pods and white seeded