Basil Red Rubin - 64320
The number one red basil as used for professional production. Red Rubin is almost totally purple-bronze and has a very intense, spicy flavour.

Basil San Remo - 64330
Genovese type basil - very aromatic and bursting with full flavour. San Remo produces leaves prolifically through the summer and right into the cooler days of early autumn. Excellent resistance to botrytis and fusarium.

Basil Sweet Genovese - 64340
Perfect Pesto! Of all the basils to grow (and there are about 150 varieties!), Sweet Genovese is one of the best - rumour has it, that this is because it yields 7 to 8 cuttings and makes the yummiest pesto. Pinch the white flowers to maintain plant growth and great taste.

Basil Thai Siam Queen - 64355
Siam Queen adds an entirely new and delicious level of seasoning to any dish. Sturdy stems support extra-large, bright-green leaves. Clusters of small, intensely coloured deep purple flowers appear on the very top of the plant giving a highly ornamental effect. Your dilemma will be whether to grow it for cuisine or for beauty! Unlike the sweet basils we are familiar with in Italian cuisine and pesto, this Thai basil has a strong anise flavour and a good spicy tang, while still presenting the familiar basil taste beneath these elements.

Basil Thai Towers - 64360
This aromatic and vibrant liquorice flavour complements any dish, notably Thai cuisine. Well-branched Thai Basil variety with short internodes makes a beautiful, tidy, towering plant, growing between 60-90cm! Masses of medium-green leaves with occasional purple flecks and soft purple stems. Basil Emerald Towers certainly lived up to its expectations, we are confident Thai Towers will do the same - both being large robust plants with continual production.

Bean Asparagus Bean : Kaohsiung (Green Pod) - 50250
Very productive, climbing long podded type. The green beans grow as long as 40cm. Best grown up a trellis or with other support. Also referred to as Snake Bean or Yardlong Bean. Delicious!

Bean Dwarf Admires - 50240
Combines the excellent strong flavour of Scarlet Runner Beans with the early maturity and prolific growth of modern stringless French Beans. Long flat pods and white seeded

Beans Broad Lucifer (Pink Seeded) - 50160
The first Pink Seeded Broad Bean we have offered. Selected and developed in New Zealand by the same breeder as Hughey. Plants are full sized with white flowers. With this new and interesting coloured seed, maybe you can now convince those unwilling characters to at least give Broad Beans a try!

Beans Climbing Butter Goldfield - 50720
Climbing beans produce more beans per plant than dwarf varieties. These prolific plants produce flattish pods of light yellow butter beans. Keep well picked to prolong productivity. Water well in dry periods. Best grown up a trellis or some kind offence/support.

Beans Climbing Cobra - 50781
Exceptional flavour and a long growing season. This variety produces loads of smooth, round, stringless green pods. Its delicate mauve flowers also make it a delightful addition to any garden.

Beans Climbing Mixed - 50220
Brighten up the platter with purple, green and yellow beans. Prolific yields. Best grown up a trellis or some kind of fence or support.

Beans Climbing Purple - 50730
Climbing Purple Bean is back with its robust vine and prolific production of rich, dark-purple beans. Pods can grow up to 20cm long, but are at their best when picked a little earlier while young and tender. This old fashioned variety will turn green when cooked. Best frown up a trellis or some kinds of fence or support. Chemically Treated.

Beans Dwarf French Contender - 50600
Both reliable and heavy yielding best describe Contender Beans. Dark green, crisp, tasty pods are produced in abundance. Our best variety for really warm locations.

Beans Dwarf French Greencrop - 50500
Another well known tried and true variety. Very adaptable to a wide range of growing situations. Pods are deep green and great for freezing.

Beans Dwarf Green Gold Mix - 50210
Vegetables don't have to be green! This mixed packet is great for the smaller garden where 2 packets is too many! Easy to grow. Both green and gold beans mature at similar times.

Beans Scarlet Runner Goliath - 50800
This popular, standard, home garden variety produces bucket loads of long, flat, medium green pods.

Beans Scarlet Runner Tenderline - 50900
This variety has been bred with "slower vigour" which significantly reduces the stringy, tough fibre development. Although the yield is less than other common varieties the superior bean quality more than compensates for it.