Oriental Mizuna Early - 59470
Very vigourous and high yielding. Serrated edged leaves. Mild, fresh, crisp and tasty. Use in salads or cooking.

Oriental Mizuna Miz America - 59473
These serrated dark-red leaves are a flavoursome addition to any leaf salad. Best described as having a mild peppery flavour, but not spicy or bitter.

Oriental Pak Choi Green Fortune - 59450
Compact plant, early with high heat tolerance. Nice green petioles. Crisp and sweet.

Oriental Pak Choi Pai Tsai May Song - 59561
Pai Tsai is a form of Chinese Cabbage said to have a nutty taste. May Song is heat tolerant and fast to mature making it less prone to bolting.

Oriental Tatsoi - 59490
Spoon shaped, thick, very deep-green leaves. Compact rosette plant. High vitamin content

Pak Choi Joi Choi F1 Hybrid - 59538
Bright green leaves with thick pure white petioles (stems). Very good bolt resistance. Pak Choi is easy to grow, easy to cook and becoming firmly established in the NZ vegetable garden portfolio.

Pak Choi Red Choi F1 Hybrid - 59562
Bronze-red almost purple leaves with white stems. Adds colour and pleasant flavour to your ‘green vegetable intake’. Perfect steamed, in stir fries or blended raw into salads.

Parsnip Javelin F1 Hybrid - 59760
Consistent, reliable, flexible and very well proven, Javelin is probably the most commercially successful Parsnip variety ever. Javelin F1 Hybrid produces beautifully shaped roots. The crowns are shallow, almost level, making for easy cleaning. Skin colour is white to a very light cream. Excellent canker resistance. Javelin can be sown throughout the sowing year and it's tremendous field holding ability means it can be cropped almost continuously from January to December.

Peas Alderman - 60100
The advantage of Alderman is the extended harvesting period. Large, curved, dark green pea pods each containing up to 11 tender peas with great flavour. From sowing you can expect to pick your first peas in about 2 months and picking can continue for a month or more. These plants have a tall growth habit that will require support, but is well worth the effort for the heavy crops produced.

Peas Dwarf Sugar Snap - 60650
Dwarf Sugarsnap is basically the same delicious variety as the regular Sugarsnap pea, the only difference being the height it grows. Thick, fleshy pods containing sweet juicy peas. A lovely dwarf sugarsnap pea that is ideal for gardeners who want to avoid staking their plants.

Peas Feathers Tendril - 60150
A delicious, modern pea with a very high yielding potential. Pods are 10cm long with 9-10 peas per pod. Feathers Tendril has a semi-leafless habit (leaves have developed into tendrils) which allows more light into the plants. It is mildew resistant and very vigourous. Requires staking.

Peas Mammoth Melting - 60350
A tall growing ‘Snow Pea’ or ‘Sugar Pea’. Tall plants produce more yield than the dwarf Oregon counterpart. Pick when pods are immature or flat.

Peas Snow Shiraz - 60490
The old cliche "Packed like peas in a pod" certainly describes this one! Abundant tasty peas to each pod. Easy to grow - excellent variety for freezing. Dark green, wrinkled pods on plants that have good resistance to mildew.

Peas Sugar - Oregon (Snow Pea) - 60500
An ever increasing popular choice to add dimension to your salads or just to pick and eat these "Sugar Peas" are delicious. Pick when pods are immature and flat. Requires staking.

Pumpkin Atlantic Giant - 60815
True pumpkin colour and shape - but in giant form! Very large vine. Bright orange with shallow ribs. To grow "Giant" pumpkins it is best to limit the vines to one pumpkin each. Interesting notes and helpful hints included with each packet. Can grow pumpkins up to 100kg!!! For show only - not suitable for eating.

Pumpkin Crown F1 Hybrid - 60750
The advanced Whangaparaoa Crown. Modern breeding makes Crown F1 Hybrid tastier, higher yielding and better for storage than the standard Whangaparaoa.

Pumpkin Jack O Lantern - 60790
Pumpkins are a great vegetable to grow, as most store readily for months on end! This is the case with Jack O Lantern, not only that, it has a great flavour and is also a good carving variety, making it perfect for carving out decorations for Halloween and such like. Very versatile, pumpkin can be eaten as a vegetable, baked in muffins and scones or turned into delicious pumpkin pie!

Pumpkin Jarrahdale - 60795
An Australian heirloom. This pumpkin is drum shape, silvery bluish-grey in colour, with deep ribbing. Pumpkins are large growing to 5kg. Flesh is deep orange and quite sweet. Good steamed, roasted, pureed, or used to make desserts.

Pumpkin Kumi Kumi F1 Hybrid - 60800
Vigourous plants are more tolerant of extreme weather conditions. The standard Kumi Kumi has been updated with new breeding programs. Fruit is green and ribbed, growing to approx 30cm. Mild in flavour, Kumi Kumi has a curious creamy-nutty undertone, pick when younger while they retain their sweetness. Very mature fruit will turn orange. A good keeper

Pumpkin Queensland Blue - 60845
An old Australian heirloom variety with medium sized, blue-green fruit with deep ribbing. Fruit size is approx. 3-5kg. Tasty, golden orange flesh. An excellent keeper.

Pumpkin Squash Buttercup Burgess Trailing - 60960
A home variety producing green fruit with orange flesh - sweet and dry to eat. Not a great keeper.

Pumpkin Squash Butternut Buffy's Gold - 60990
This variety is high yielding with excellent eating qualities. Fruit size is 1.5-1.8kg and takes 100-110 days to mature. New improved Waltham type. CMV and black-rot resistant.

Pumpkin Squash Butternut Little Dipper - 60995
A delightful small, meal-sized butternut for the smaller household. This personal-sized wee beauty weighs approx 900g, it has a vigourous vine that produces high numbers of fruits. The fruit are cream with orange flesh.

Pumpkin Squash Delica F1 Hybrid Buttercup - 61000
Top quality buttercup squash. Vigourous grower and heavy cropper, producing uniform large (approx 1.8kg) fruit. Delica has a dark green skin with deep yellow flesh. It is flat globe shaped, and has good storage ability. Delica has a nutty, sweet taste.

Pumpkin Squash Gold Nugget - 60940
An award winning buttercup squash sometimes referred to as a 'oriental pumpkin' due to its unique appearance. Sweet yellow-orange flesh and compact vines. The skin should be colourful but have a dull finish, indicating the fruit has reached maturity. (If the surface is shiny, the flesh will be flavourless!) Small fruit up to 1.5kg.

Pumpkin Squash Spaghetti Tivoli F1 Hybrid - 61015
We have been amazed at the resurged interest in this item. Simply grow as you would a Courgette. Tivoli is a non trailing variety producing short vines giving it a small plant habit. Ideal for home gardens. Tivoli has a creamy flesh, suggested cooking methods are noted in the back of our catalogue.

Pumpkin Sugar Pie - 60847
Sugar pumpkins have a firm, sweet flesh that is much smoother than that of larger pumpkins. Sugar pumpkins are only about 15cm to 20cm in diameter. Although they don’t boast being the biggest of all, they have a good pumpkin flavour, this combined with their firmer and less stringy flesh, means they have a much more pleasant consistency than that of the larger pumpkin varieties. They’re great for roasting, making soups and for making pumpkin puree for delicious homemade pumpkin pies.

Pumpkin Triamble - 60810
Another old fashioned favourite returns. Large, three-lobed fruit weighing up to 6kg! Tough grey rind (excellent for storage), deep orange flesh that is sweet, firm and dry.... what more can one expect from a high grade pumpkin. Fruit are kept for winter eating. Likes rich soil.

Pumpkin Whangaparoa Crown - 60760
Best known as a "Standard Storage Pumpkin" Whangaparoa Crown has a grey skin colour and is very popular.

Radicchio Palla Rosa - 61030
Though growth habit and colour may be somewhat variable in this variety, Palla Rosa has an excellent tangy flavour and is easy to grow. The green wrapper leaves on the heads enclose red hearts with pure white ribs. Great for adding colour and zing to your coleslaws.

Radicchio Red Traviso - 61035
A classic tall Italian Radicchio. Upright with red and white striped leaves and large pure white stems. Good for harvesting from the end of summer and throughout the winter. Radicchio also grows well in containers, pots, or raised beds.

Radish Amethyst - 61160
A round radish with striking purple skin that contrasts very well with the crisp white flesh. Slow to go pithy, good shape and strong tops. Great colour for those salads.

Radish Black Spanish - 61040
As the name suggests this variety is black skinned! These medium-hot, white fleshed, 6-8cm radishes are harvested in winter. Plant the seeds in late summer and begin enjoying your crop in autumn. Very good keepers... up to 50 days.

Radish Cabernet F1 Hybrid - 61050
Tall red globe style radish. Fast maturing with lush hardy tops. Deep red colour with crisp flesh. Great all-purpose radish.

Radish Cherriette F1 Hybrid - 61055
A bright-red radish that performs really well during the warmer season. Maturity is a quick 25-30 days from sowing. Roots are globe-shaped, very uniform and have silky smooth shoulders with a refined tap root. Excellent yield potential. A quality variety.

Radish Daikon Omny F1 Hybrid - 61130
A favourite vegetable for oriental dishes. Diverse usage such as... Grated - use as an alternative to salt and pepper. Baked, grilled, stir-fried, boiled and of course as we are mostly accustomed to, raw in salads. Allow more spacing than common radish varieties as Diakon Omny produces massive fruits.

Radish French Breakfast - 61300
French Breakfast is an earlier variety than other long red radishes. It is oblong in shape, red towards the top, tapering to white at the tip This delicious hot, crisp radish is best pulled immediately at maturity, as the flavour and texture do not hold in the garden.

Radish Mixed - 61200
This mix has all the common shapes of salad radish. Very easy to grow. Fast maturing.

Radish Pink Beauty - 61250
This lovely radish displays a unique rosy-pink colour. Mild tasting, crisp flesh. Very early.