Cabbage FOS Pyramid F1 Hybrid - 52560
An English F1 Hybrid Flower of Spring type with large heads. Usually grown as a spring harvest variety. Flower of Spring cabbages usually have loosely packed leaves that are packed full of flavour. The heads hold well above the ground which helps avoid soil splashing up into the leaves.

Cabbage Kilaton F1 Club Root Resistant - 52490
Kilaton F1 Hybrid has a high level of Club Root resistance. It produces quality 2kg, ball head cabbages with a solid, dense structure. Superb for coleslaw, salads or steamed. It has taken over 18 years of conventional breeding to develop a variety that can combat the devastating Brassica disease Clubroot. An adaptable variety suited for the cooler months of spring and autumn

Cabbage Ranfurly Mini F1 Hybrid - 52600
Small compact ball type head. Excellent home garden variety that is quick to mature.Mini Vegetable.

Cabbage Red Langedijker Bewaar - 52920
A large purple cabbage that forms dense heads. Stores particularly well and has very good colour and taste perfect for coleslaw. It also makes a very fine sauerkraut, turning bright pink during the fermentation with the addition of salt.

Cabbage Savoy King F1 Hybrid - 52800
Large heads of finely crinkled leaves semi-flat in shape. Delicious flavour.

Cabbage Summercut F1 Hybrid - 52700
An excellent new variety producing heads of approx 1-2kg! Mid to dark green in colour, suited to the home gardener.Sow spring, early summer. Harvest summer/autumn.

Cabbage Super Red Mini F1 Hybrid - 52900
Highly rated, early red cabbage. Heads are round, well wrapped, smooth and refined. Super Red is tender, flavour is superb, crisp and pleasantly peppery.Suitable for close plant spacing to produce mini red cabbages. Mini Vegetable.

Capsicum Big Ben - 53705
This high yielding patio pepper with large blocky, dark-red fruits are perfect for stuffing.Big Ben exhibits strong, upright plant growth, however due to the weight of the fruit when they mature, we recommend providing support from either a caged pot or staking the plants.

Capsicum Carolina Reaper - 54022
The hottest pepper in the world! Carolina Reaper is 200 times hotter than a Jalapeno. It gets this insane heat from being a cross between a Ghost Pepper and a Red Habanero. The pepper is red and gnarled, with a bumpy texture and a small pointed tail. Every pod is unique. SHU : 2.2 million

Capsicum Cayenne Anmol - 53717
Fruit begins dark green and turns bright red. Length is approximately 14-16cm.Good variety for drying - pods dry flat. Prolific fruiter with medium pungency.

Capsicum Chilli Arapaho (Cayenne) F1 Hybrid - 54065
This large fruited and very attractive cayenne pepper produces high yields of early maturing fruit on a compact plant. Being a hybrid, Arapaho not only drastically out-yields standard cayenne varieties, but matures about 2 weeks earlier. Perfect for the locations with a shorter growing season.

Capsicum Chilli Birdseye Yellow Canary - 54015
Birdseye Canary has long 8cm, thin, yellow fruit. Fruit goes from green to yellow. A very hot variety.

Capsicum Chilli Habanero Caribbean Red - 54020
Right up there with the hottest chilli's available! This fantastic item turns a bright scarlet-red on maturity. 200 times hotter than Jalapeno.Use with care as it is "alarmingly hot".

Capsicum Chilli Hot Mix - 54000
Contains a mixture of Mexican; Asian peppers and chillies in various colours and shapes.From mild to pungent flavour.

Capsicum Chilli Jalapeno - 54030
Deep solid green, turning red on maturity. Fruit are 7.5cm long. Hot and zesty flavour without being over powering.Use when green or red.

Capsicum Chilli Jalapeno Megatron F1 Hybrid - 54035
Megatron is an exciting new hybrid Jalapeno that boasts dense, extra large fruit averaging around 11cm. This variety has good shelf life and a nice deep-green colour.

Capsicum Dwarf Snack Orange F1 Hybrid - 54074
Orange baby sweet peppers. Fruit size 3.5 x 6cm - Plant Height 30-35cmEdible Capsicums (Peppers) have become an important part of the explosive growth of edible plants grown in pots or container gardening. Only certain varieties are suitable for this. The following range opens up this opportunity. Grown in containers capsicums can usually be started earlier simply by placing in a sunny, sheltered, warm location.

Capsicum Dwarf Snack Red F1 Hybrid - 54075
Red baby peppers. Fruit size 3.5 x 6cm.Edible Capsicums (Peppers) have become an important part of the explosive growth of edible plants grown in pots or container gardening. Only certain varieties are suitable for this. The following range opens up this opportunity. Grown in containers capsicums can usually be started earlier simply by placing in a sunny, sheltered, warm location.

Capsicum Dwarf Snack Yellow F1 Hybrid - 54076
Orange baby sweet peppers. Fruit size 3.5 x 6cmEdible Capsicums (Peppers) have become an important part of the explosive growth of edible plants grown in pots or container gardening. Only certain varieties are suitable for this. The following range opens up this opportunity. Grown in containers capsicums can usually be started earlier simply by placing in a sunny, sheltered, warm location.

Capsicum Ghost Bhut Jolokia F1 Hybrid - 54023
Once the hottest pepper in the world, now rated 7th. This was the first pepper to test over 1 million Scovilles! Ripe, conical shape peppers measure 6-8cm. SHU : 1.04 million.

Capsicum Hot Jalwa India - 53736
Capsicum Hot Jalwa was bred in India - pretty much says it all, got to be worth a try for all you hot pepper lovers!Tall plants with strong branching habit. Fruit are 13-14cm long and a nice light-green colour. Jalwa will turn red when fully ripe but like most peppers will become sweeter and lose a bit of heat. These peppers are medium to hot.

Capsicum Orange Star F1 Hybrid - 53755
A sweet orange bell pepper. Fruit weighs approximately 220g

Capsicum Star Mix F1 Hybrid - 53767
A mix of both Orange and Yellow Star, but also includes a red bell pepper. Fruit weighs approximately 220g

Capsicum Sweet Classic F1 Hybrid - 53720
Improved Double Up. Quality, thick-walled fruit.Large smooth fruit on sturdy upright plants. F1 hybrid vigour ensures a prolific crop of first class quality, blocky, bell-shaped sweet peppers. Colour goes from green to red.

Capsicum Sweet Palladio F1 Hybrid - 53735
Bullhorn-type capsicum that matures extremely early.Turns from green to yellow. Very juicy, thick walled fruit with a delicious flavour. Grows to approx 20cm.

Capsicum Sweet Pepper California Wonder - 53710
California Wonder is a bell-shaped pepper that produces green to red fruit.This very popular all purpose sweet pepper is easy to grow and is right up there with great yields

Capsicum Sweet Shishito - 54045
Shishito peppers are a Japanese heirloom variety with a crisp, fruity flavour. Just a tiny hint of heat and smokiness is brought out by cooking them. About 5% of Shishito peppers are pungent.

Capsicum Trinidad Butch T - 54024
Another oddly shaped pepper with a “Scorpion-like” tail. Once again, a record breaker in years gone by, the burn from this pepper is almost unbearable.SHU : 1.4 millionWe are unsure why anyone would want to torture themselves with these peppers, but they are still widely sought after by extreme eaters for their mega-heat, fruity flavour, and wicked looks.

Capsicum Yellow Star F1 Hybrid - 53765
Yellow Star replaces Sunbright Yellow. A sweet golden-yellow bell pepper. Fruit weighs approximately 220g.

Carrot Baby - 54500
Small round roots. Very early baby carrot. Excellent shape for making creative edible decorations to garnish your salads.Mini Vegetable

Carrot Chantenay Red Core - 54161
Chantenay Red Core are a popular home gardeners choice that is suitable for heavy soils. It is a blocky, blunt shaped carrot that is a deep reddish orange all the way through. It is crisp and sweet, and grows to approx 10-12cm long. Chantenay Red Core can have massive erect tops growing as high as 50cm.

Carrot Kuroda - 54165
This is a New Zealand produced carrot. An interesting fact is that here in NZ we grow 40% of the worlds carrot seeds - not bad for such a wee country - Good on yah Mate.Kuroda is a conical, orange main crop carrot, known for its high yields and tender, sweet taste. For those of you who are into smoothies and juicing, it is also a great juicing carrot. Thin plants to between 5-9cm apart for harvest. Grows to approx 20cm in length.

Carrot Ladies Fingers - 54510
Rich orange roots that are great for gourmet cooking. Sweet flavour and delicate shape, approx 8cm long.Great in the garden, will tolerate "heavy" soil.

Carrot Purple - 54235
Like many deep coloured vegetables, purple carrots are loaded with antioxidants which are great for repairing and preventing cell damage.When boiling this variety, colour will leach out dramatically in the water but the carrots still remain a deep purple for serving. (The core may remain white). Very young, raw thinnings are a colourful addition to your salads.

Carrot Rainbow Mixed - 54240
Coax the kids with these assorted, brightly coloured carrots!Great bright colours that will hopefully encourage the kids to try out their gardening skills. You'll hear squeals of delight as they harvest these red, green, yellow and even purple carrots. Not only fun for the kids though, these intriguing, bright carrots look fantastic on the plate... and taste great

Carrot Topweight - 54300
Strong topped variety with bolting resistance.A good all round carrot, you can't go wrong choosing this one.

Carrot Touchon - 54400
An even more refined French selection of Manchester Table.Good value for money.

Cauliflower All Year Round - 54700
This variety is very adaptable, and as the name suggests it can be planted "all year round".An old favourite, maturing in 15 weeks.

Cauliflower Clapton F1 Club Root Resistant - 54690
Clapton F1 Hybrid has a high level of Club Root resistance. In fact it is the first Cauliflower with Club Root Resistance. It has taken over 18 years of conventional breeding to develop a variety that can combat the devastating Brassica disease Clubroot. An adaptable variety suited for harvesting in the cooler months of late autumn, winter and spring

Cauliflower Clementine - 54720
Eye-catching deep orange curds have a mild, sweet and nutty flavour. Curds hold their colour well when cooked because the carotenoid pigments are not water soluble or sensitive to heat. Vigourous and reliable producer of high-quality heads.

Cauliflower DePurple - 54730
Jazz up your cauliflower salads with this purple cauliflower. Smooth, dense purple curds that intensify in colour with higher light levels. Adaptable to varying environmental conditions.

Cauliflower Igloo - 54708
Specially bred for close planting to produce mini-cauliflowers or at wider spacing for larger heads. Early variety, fast and easy to grow.Igloo replaces Majestic Mini that has been discontinued.